PIGGY ONE SUPER SPARK is a single-player action game starring Xiamy, Yuez, and a lost newborn baby they happen to find. Follow the trio in their chaotic but heart-warming adventure!

The Story

Xiamy and Yuez find a lost baby. A lost newborn baby.

They start on a journey to find who this baby belongs to, while fending off the dark monsters chasing after it. As they travel using a sort of phone booth as their vehicle of choice, they meet a bunch of unique people, make friends, and they give and receive help here and there.

The Game

PIGGY ONE SUPER SPARK mixes the satisfying, fast-paced action of a 2D scroller with the feeling of adventure of a road movie—all with poppy, colorful art to boot.

Xiamy has got her blazing speed, Yuez has got her incredible strength, and the baby... Oh, the baby has some powers as well.

With their abilities and the powers of magnets and electricity, there's no enemy or puzzle that they can't take on.

Tighten your seatbelts. This rollercoaster of an adventure is going to hit you with all its heart and all its thrills.