
"Phantoms" is a retro-styled first-person horror game that takes place on a strange train. Fix an electric box to escape from a level that is random every time... but you're not alone in here. And these "things" will do anything to stop you.

Behold the moon! Be my harbinger, and you shall be rewarded with miracles!

Phantoms is a first-person horror game that takes place on a strange train. You're on route to see your old friend Floyd, but all of a sudden, you sense something's not quite right. What was a simple, relaxing train ride mere moments ago, transforms into a hunting ground in a blink of an eye... and you're the prey.

The game takes inspiration from retro PlayStation™ graphics and aesthetics, combined with analogue horror and a hint of eldritch mystery. No two levels ever play the same as the layout of the train, and the items you need to collect, are randomized every time. Phantoms offers five story levels (the final one being hidden in conjunction with the secret ending), a custom level mode and two potential endings to the story.


Max: 5,45€


Min: 5,45€