Penelope Syndrome Preview

You are not a hero. You are just an everyday average mechanic. You can fight, but without having the resources to repair damaged systems, you will die trapped with them.

Deep in a heavily industrialized city, you find yourself trapped with numerous hostile cryptid monsters. Your only means of defense is a heavy wrench; the last thing from your life before all the chaos began. Fix and repair damaged systems that would allow you to progress and fight for your life until you can escape.

Not everyone can be the hero...

In this preview build of Penelope Syndrome you will get a small taste of what the full installment will have to offer. Including:


In the sewer systems and back alleys of IF City, you'll find scraps of useful material scattered in the far corners. Can you find enough to get by?

Resource Management

You will often find yourself in situations forcing difficult choices. Spend or save? The true question.

Real Time Combat

If you have the resources to fight, excellent. But knowing when to fight and when to run is a vital, if tricky, skill to master. Enemies will always be hunting you down, and you won't always be ready to face them.

Procedural Population

Every time you start a level, the items you found may not be where you last found them on previous runs, or even there at all. This includes the monsters you face...

Brought to you by Sakura and Crit