Pawnshop 90s

Become the proud owner of a pawnshop in 1990's Poland. Upgrade your shop. Obtain and sell various items in (mostly) legal way. Meet interesting (and suspicious) people. Be a true businessman and don't let anything stop you from achieving success!

The Polish Dream of the 90's awaits you! Unemployment rate is skyrocketing and the markets have never been more free. It is the best possible time be an entrepreneur.

Manage Your Pawnshop
As a freshly minted business owner you have to take matters into your own hands. Buy various items, from kitchen appliances to fine art. Organize your merchandise to make the best possible use of space. Haggle with customers to get the best deal possible. Accumulate profits and grow your business.

Be Creative
Low on money? Get a side hustle and earn some extra cash. Sell pirated CDs. Dumpster dive. Fence stolen goods. Collect scrap. Disassemble items. Take advantage of opportunities coming your way.

Decorate and Upgrade
Customize walls and floors to attract more clients. Expand your pawnshop to fit more merchandise. Buy better furniture to increase sales. Design your store and improve efficiency.