Past Synergy

Past Synergy is a 2 player co-op game that tests you and your friend's synergy. Divide the ability and roles between you and your friend to overcome the obstacles in a cave.

Past Synergy is a 2 player co-op game that tests you and your friend's synergy.

Divide up the roles between you and your friends to overcome the obstacles in a cave.
Avoid the dangerous traps and destroy fragile walls to open path to the next level.

Bigger issue, however, may be your friend. If you step on your friend from above or shoot the fireball at your friend, you may need to restart the level.

There are three abilities as of now.
Shield: It makes the player immune to attacks
Fireball: It can destroy fragile walls.
Double jump: Helps your friend jump twice

Each level features a unique challenge that will test you and your friend's current synergy.
Besides the co-op mode, this game also features a pvp mode. Show your friend your true skill!

Will your current synergy be stronger than the past synergy or will it be weaker?