Papers, Please - The Short Film

An official adaptation of the award winning game "Papers, Please" by Lucas Pope. 1982 - East Grestin, Arstotzka. The 6-year war with neighboring Kolechia is over. There is a fragile peace. A border checkpoint now separates east and west Grestin.

An official adaptation of the award winning game "Papers, Please" by Lucas Pope.
1982 - East Grestin, Arstotzka. The 6-year war with neighboring Kolechia is over. There is a fragile peace. A border checkpoint now separates east and west Grestin.

"Papers, Please" and the red eagle logo are registered trademarks of 3909 LLC. Used with permission.


“Papers, Please - The Short Film" - is one of the best attempt to adapt a video game ever.”
Combo Breaker

“In my opinion "Papers, Please - The Short Film" is worth checking up for those who know and love the game, but also who never heard of it before.”

“Papers, Please - The Short Film" - is an exceptional adaptation of a video game into short film.”