
Observation is a sci-fi thriller uncovering what happened to Dr. Emma Fisher, and the crew of her mission, through the lens of the station’s artificial intelligence S.A.M.

Observation is a sci-fi thriller uncovering what happened to Dr. Emma Fisher, and the crew of her mission, through the lens of the station’s artificial intelligence S.A.M. Players assume the role of S.A.M. by operating the station’s control systems, cameras, and tools to assist Emma in discovering what is happening to the station, the vanished crew, and S.A.M. himself.

You're not on the station, you are the station

Blending narrative adventure, puzzles, exploration, and cosmic existential horror, uncover the true nature of yourself, your crew, and the mysterious always-present hexagon on Saturn...




Max: 24,50€


Min: 6,12€


“Observation is a smart, original science fiction story propelled by its novel approach to puzzle design and stunning attention to detail.”
9/10 – IGN

“Observation shouldn’t be missed by anyone in search of a mind-bending and unsettling thrill.”
9/10 – Game Informer

“Old science fiction meets New Weird in this 2001: A Space Odyssey homage”
9/10 – PC World