My Face Your Music

Use video samples and MIDI files to create the most peculiar music performance! Chaos guaranteed!

A music tool of sorts...

Come join the chaos where you can use videos of My Face to play Your Music! Comes with instructions and tutorials to make your own music, samples and videos!

What's going on here?

My Face Your Music is the greatest and awfullest tool that uses MIDI files and video samples to render music. It is not just a player to make the world's most peculiar music with, you can perform your own work and it comes with tutorials and instructions to help you make your music and samples!
Features to this dreadful package are:
  • Hundreds of samples of My Face to sing notes to Your Music.
  • MODS! Make your own samples or use someone else's, so it becomes Your Face Your Music
  • Off-line instructions for third-party, free & open source software to make your own MIDI music files and video samples.
  • Webcam support, so you can insert your own face when you sing along.
  • Connect any MIDI keyboard to make it a completely live performances.
  • Special effects like shooting confetti, fire and lightning to give your performance that extra punch!

But WHY?!

On a more serious note, pun intended: Music is a great way to connect between people, but everyone learns in a different way at a different pace. My Face Your Music lowers the barrier by doing things wrong on purpose, but providing a wide range of options. In this sandbox the user can experiment with and improve on what they are interested in, be that music, performance, sample creation and so on.

Can I get more chaos?

Check the Youtube channel and of course, here on Steam for more announcements!


Max: 9,75€


Min: 8,77€