Put on your ass-kicking socks and get ready to have them promptly blown off in this indie monster-killing-bad-guy-fleeing-vent-crawling-chair-wielding shooter!

More Enemies has been called the best video game of all time
By who? No clue. But here at Lollygag Labs, we strive to be optimists in the face of adversity!

Starting at a dead-end job for an obscure paper company with no story relevance, you venture onto your next job as an employee at... Lollygag Labs. A game development company with questionable ethics! Where you uncover a plot of spoilers, deviance, gore, dangerous chairs, and of course: enemies

MORE ENEMIES is a single-player first-person shooter and exploration game with exciting weapons, interactable characters, and plenty of exciting environments from offices to secret bases in a story-driven campaign where you have to try to survive glowing cubes to being exterminated to getting eaten by giant mutated monsters!

Bringing on fantastic new voice talent and all that other good sh*t, MORE ENEMIES will truly have you falling backward in your gaming chair!