
Modules is a VR art experience by Maxim Zhestkov, where architecture, sculpture, film, and music blend together to immerse viewers into the artist's world.

Modules is a project by Maxim Zhestkov, where different forms of art – architecture, sculpture, film, and music – blend together to create an intense, interactive virtual experience.

Modules will expand to contain Maxim Zhestkov’s entire body of work. Over the course of years, the project will grow as he grows, expanding into new territories and blurring the boundaries between art, games, and reality. With experimentation at its core, it is Zhestkov’s playground, where he is able to refine his work with no end, challenging the limits of his own medium.

- Explore 11 rooms with unique audiovisual installations
- Discover the project with or without a VR headset
- Dive deeper with the artist’s voice commentaries about the project


“‘Modules’ is submersive; taking body and mind through an 11-room network of space-age staircases, ledges, lifts and corridors, navigated by pinching your (real-world) fingers. Your earthbound body flinches as Zhestkov’s monumental sculptures sail past your face, almost squash you, and bend, dissolve, and warp around you. They are hyperreal digital simulations that mirror real-world physics, halfway between the gaming universe and real-world museum experience.”

“Modules is an ever-evolving project he plans to develop throughout [Zhestkov's] lifetime, adding new iterations every six months.”