Mech Hunter

In a world dominated by machines, mankind has lost hope for the future. You are a machine hunter. Your task is to recover and use the lost technology to save the human race. Track, hunt and build shelter in this extremely hostile world.

Mech hunter is a survival game based on hunting. You will have to obtain most of the necessary resources by destroying machines that have taken over the whole world. You can recover valuable items from your enemies, which allow you to build more and more advanced weapons, equipment and systems. The acquired parts also let you build many improvements in your shelter, such as water filters and power generators. Your goal is to save one of the last human settlements on the continent. You have to find a way to finally get rid of the threat.

    Main features

  • Many types of machines that have their own patterns of behaviour, tastes and weaknesses.
  • Build a shelter in which you can rest.
  • Create weapons from acquired parts and recover lost technology.
  • Explore abandoned cities
  • Learn about the history of this world