MagiCat Original Soundtrack

MagiCat OST consists of 24 tracks that will not only allow you to relive the experience of playing the game, but also experience the nostalgia of playing classic video games and watching Saturday morning cartoons on television.

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This is a DLC for MagiCat.
MagiCat Original Soundtrack consists of 24 tracks that will not only allow you to relive the experience of playing the game, but also experience the nostalgia of playing classic video games and watching Saturday morning cartoons on television. All of the tracks are composed by the developer who also did the code, art, story, and game design.

The tracks featured in the OST are:
1. Alchemic Forest
2. Bewitching Cave
3. Conjuring Candies
4. Dark Castle
5. Enchanting Sky
6. Fairy Machine
7. Ghastly Park
8. Hocus Coldus
9. Incantation Shrine
10. Runic Welcome
11. Arcanic Assault
12. Black Battle
13. Curio Clash
14. Deep Doom
15. Extirpate Encounter
16. Factoric Fight
17. Grim Gobble
18. Hyperborean Havoc
19. Infinite Trickery
20. Magical Trip
21. Spending Gem
22. Hoping Again
23. Hopping Again
24. Ciao Meow


Max: 1,99€


Min: 1,99€