Lil' Guardsman Demo

Imagine you're a 12 year old, suddenly in charge of the guard shed at the castle gate, where you decide if elves, goblins and 100+ other characters should be admitted. It's a wonderful combination of deduction, narrative and puzzle games.

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This is a DLC for Lil' Guardsman.
In this narrative puzzle adventure, what begins as just covering your dad's shift at the guard shed by the castle gate, becomes a full-time gig deciding the fate of over 100 unique characters and shaping major events. Question humans, elves, goblins, cyclopes, and other fantasy creatures using your powers of deduction to determine who to admit or deny based on how they respond to your questions and your trusty tools. Your decision will carry through the seasons, as you become embroiled in the intrigue of the Sprawl and its people, and learn what makes them all tick.
