LATEST ISSUE is a psychological horror in which the protagonist has to descend into underground tunnels to disprove or confirm sinister rumors about the place.

LATEST ISSUE is an exciting game where the player assumes the role of a brave blogger who specializes in exploring mysterious and frightening places. This time his path leads to abandoned underground tunnels, shrouded in legends of missing people and unexplained phenomena.


The player will explore the tangled passages and halls of the underground labyrinth, uncovering its dark secrets and facing various dangers on his way. During his journey, the blogger will collect evidence and record his experiences to create compelling content for his blog.

However, as he will delve deeper into the dark depths of the tunnels, he will begin to realize that he is not alone in these underground corridors. Monstrous forces and strange entities will haunt him, and each step will lead him closer to unraveling the terrible secret hidden in the deepest corners of the underworld.

Game Features:

-Walking simulator
-High quality sounds
-Realistic graphics
-A frightening atmosphere


Max: 3,49€


Min: 3,49€