Kyle is ready to pursue his passion. . .-----------------
Kyle has woken up and realized he has been missing something in his life. Adventure. Passion. The intrigue of the career he left behind in his youth to follow entertainment. Kyle decides it is time to follow his first love - hotdog sales.
22 New Endings. . .-----------------
Kyle is Hotdog adds 22 new endings to the game, about doubling the original's size. These endings take Kyle on a COMPLETELY different journey that has nothing to do with his interview process, crafting a new narrative (however strange) with a single ending acting as the capstone for the adventure. But it may be quite difficult to find where that final ending lies. . .
Woven into the World. . .-----------------
All endings in Kyle is Hotdog are woven into the pre-existing world of Kyle is Famous, and the player is able to choose whether they want to pursue an interview or hotdog sales at the end of each day.
Gameplay Time-----------------
Kyle is Hotdog should easily add 2 to 3 hours of gameplay to Kyle is Famous, and includes some of the strangest things I have ever written. If you liked Kyle is Famous, this is really a must.