
Krypt is an old-school text adventure filled with excitement and peril. Fight monsters, make choices, and travel through forests and mountains to defeat the evil King Krypt in this epic fantasy tale. But watch out as you try to discover all the paths, because not every choice ends in victory.

Krypt is an old-school text adventure filled with excitement and peril. Fight monsters, make choices, and travel through forests and mountains to defeat the evil King Krypt in this epic fantasy tale. But watch out as you try to discover all the paths, because not every choice ends in victory.

Key Features include turn-based combat, riddles, and a thrilling story that will keep you reading until the very end.

(Currently the game does have some bugs, as it was developed by two novice coders. These bugs likely won't be resolved soon; however, we hope this doesn't limit your enjoyment of the game.)


Max: 1,59€


Min: 1,59€