Jungle House Demo

Can you build house in jungle wilderness almost with your hands? Yes, you can! Become an architect in the primitive times for building amazing houses in jungle wilderness with primitive tools. Explore and make houses from secret underground house with pools to houses on high trees.

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This is a DLC for Jungle House.

Become one-man architect for building amazing houses in jungle wilderness with primitive tools. Explore and make houses from secret underground ones with pools to houses on high trees. Can you build house in jungle wilderness almost with your hands? Yes, you can!

You simple primitive tools around you and craft your own ones. Create your own set of tools to use and conquer the wilds with them. Upgrade your techniques and use advanced materials to create more durable and larger buildings.

Create different type of houses like secret underground house with pool from complete scratch

Or go to highest trees with your advanced skills and build house there with awesome zipline

Don't forget to check your construction quality of your house at the end. Check and see how good you made this house or what is needed to fix in it.

Can you build house with your hands? Yes, you can!