Ignited Steel: Prologue

Ignited Steel is a mech roguelike turn-based-tactics game. This Prologue features a free standalone campaign where you will discover the origins of the robotic insurrection, as well as the new features added to the main game on Patch v1.1: Uprising.

If you've enjoyed the Prologue, check out the main game!


The beginning of the Ignited Steel universe. In this prologue, we add even more content to the story behind the Ignited Steel project, where you will see the beginning of the evil flaw that turned machines against humankind.

Two new characters, new weapons, new biomes and new enemies will be added to Ignited Steel.

Play as Exa Falris and F-OS V0.1 to see how things went after the incident that turned Phar0s against its own creators.

Aiming to fulfill its expansion instinct, humanity created an A.I. which controls and manages all necessary resources to expand the human race throughout the galaxy. Soon, a fatal flaw in the A.I. "PharOS" code was discovered: it could not and would not stop expanding.

With the hope to halt PharOS’ expansion, the human race depends on "The Ignited Steel” program, a plan reliant on outdated technology which PharOS cannot control.

Old Mechs from past wars are now humanity’s only hope.

Attacking and moving mechs requires energy and can overheat the mech. If overheated, mechs output more damage while being more vulnerable to enemy attacks.

A key element to gameplay is finding the perfect balance between damage and vulnerability.

Pilots from every corner of the universe volunteer to the Ignited Steel program, each bringing their unique personalities and tactics.

As the Ignited Steel program regains control of the galaxy, new pilots will join the cause against PharaOS.

There're 3 types of mechs: Juggernaut, Stalker and Javelin, each with their own advantages and counterplay.

Mechs are built using unique modules each with their own purpose. As the Ignited Steel program liberates the galaxy, they will earn and purchase new modules with unique traits.

The galaxy is full of contrasting planets and stories to be told. By jumping from node to node the ignited steel program will discover the galaxy's stories, and add new modules and pilots to the crew. New planets, pilots, modules, events and missions in every playthrough!