House Party - New Content Pack

Expand the party with fresh clothing items and hairstyles available for player characters and NPCs, allowing for more options to use with the customizer. You'll be able to transform the House Party characters appearances even more than you can already!

Additional content

This is a DLC for House Party.
Want More House Party Content?

This DLC will include new clothing and hairstyle customization options for the House Party characters. (Some free hairstyle options will be coming to the customizer free before this content pack is released.)

With increased clothing and hairstyle options, and the options that are already built into the customizer, you'll be able to transform the House Party characters appearances even more than you can already! We’ll be announcing an official DLC title and more info on its content soon, so wishlist it today!

P.S. A huge thank you to everyone that shared their feedback with us. We’re taking your responses to heart so we can be sure we’re providing you with the best possible House Party experience we can!