Guardians of the Ashes

From a rookie female soldier being lost memory, you incidentally become "The Chosen One" and have to protect the world.

How to install DLC:
Option 1. Click to install
Option 2. Press the key combination "Win R" and enter: steam: // install / 1251870 or
steam: // rungameid / 1251870\

As a rookie female soldier being lost memory. Your are tasked with investigating a group of criminals in the deserted city of Orland and unknowingly discovering a secret ruins underground.
And here, you being attacked and chased by demons, things drag on after things ... the true origin of the world gradually reveal... and then, as "The Chosen One" - you have to protect the world.


  • Top-down shoot em up and hack and slash gameplay

  • Fun and challenge boss fighting

  • Many region and dungeon to explore with puzzle and pathfinding

  • Free 18+ DLC


Max: 2,99€


Min: 2,99€