Generation Zero® - Bikes

You can now traverse the streets, forests, and coasts of Östertörn with a sparkling new bicycle, dodging machines as you go. Not only will you be able to cross greater distances more efficiently, but you will also be able to utilize these handy bikes as strategic tools to lure machines to your ambush location.

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This is a DLC for Generation Zero®.

You can now traverse the streets, forests, and coasts of Östertörn with a sparkling new bicycle, dodging machines as you go. Not only will you be able to cross greater distances more efficiently, but you will also be able to utilize these handy bikes as strategic tools to lure machines to your ambush location. Just remember, you are not immune to the spray of bullets or rockets that head your way once an enemy spots you.

Cykel Bicycle:

The Cykel is a jack-of-all-trades bicycle of Swedish make. Allowing you to gain a great deal of speed on flatter surfaces, the bike makes it faster and easier to discover more safe houses and secrets that the world holds, while also providing a means of gaining distance between you and any machines that might spot you along the way. To get your very own bike, all you need to do is to find a vehicle station at your local safe house. A basic version can be spawned at any time and additional variations can be acquired by defeating powerful machines.


Available in three different colours, the Cykel that you will receive at the start will be the Sky Blue, with the Emerald Green and Ruby Red made available upon killing certain machine types.

Tactical Advantage:

Whether you use it to maneuver around the battlefield, flee from a hopeless battle, or ring the bell to draw the attention of nearby machines, the bike can be used to gain the upper hand. But don’t forget that you are not invincible on the Cykel, even if it might feel that way sometimes. A well-timed rocket can and will send you flying!