"Don't go to GALXAGAR"; a phrase uttered by many who have traversed its rim. Untold treasures, and terrors, await within its blackened depths. Ready your craft, spacefarer, because you're about to enter the most dangerous sector in all the stars. Get ready.. for GALXAGAR!

Legend tells of a secret that lies on the edges of the G4-LXGR system known to many only as "Galxagar". Some think it to be a pristine artifact, while others believe it is a weapon of great power. No one knows for sure, but many leave civilization in search of Galxagar and its glory. But they seldom return, and when they do they return scarred and numb, whispering and muttering in tongues unheard. Their condition speaks one warning: "Don't go to Galxagar".

You, however? You believe you are stronger. With nothing but your wits, your ship, and a food supply, you set out... in search of Galxagar.

GALXAGAR is an arcade style space shooter reminiscent of hit arcade titles of the 80's. You play the role of a spacefarer in search of the mythical treasure of "Galxagar". Along the way you will encounter the Archons, a group of deities tasked with defending their priceless treasure. Defeat them and their hordes of minions, and you too may bare witness to Galxagar's awesome treasure.


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