Forest Of Relics

Use the Run / Jump / Hanging / Paragliding to pass through various obstacles and obtain treasures. Spinel, the guardian of the ruins, is testing you.

The Forest of Relics where many historical sites and relics exist.
It was a place visited by many treasure hunters
because it had treasures with high value and relics with mysterious power.

And Treasure Hunter Ruby finds the key to the ruins
that her heart has been attracted to for a long time and starts exploring...

Use the Run / Jump / Hanging / Paragliding
to pass through various obstacles and obtain treasures.
Spinel, the guardian of the ruins, is testing you.

▷ Charming characters
▷ Various traps and terrain features
▷ Save Point
▷ Exciting cutscenes
▷ Time Attack
▷ Play time: 1 to 2 hours