Fine Work

Weave Romance & Rhythm in this romantic visual novel x rhythm game! ...Can you keep a steady hand, shaper? The lines between business and pleasure may get a bit blurry...

Your shop opens tomorrow...

Fresh on the scene as a budding artisan in the vibrant city of Gleamhold, you're already turning heads. Your craft lures in the city's most captivating clients, all keen for a personal touch.

Can you keep a steady hand, shaper?
The lines between business and pleasure may get a bit blurry…

About Fine Work

Fine Work is a romantic visual novel x rhythm game set in a science-fantasy world.

Over the course of Fine Work, you’ll play as a sendshaper, an artisan that can receive memories, and shape them into artifacts. Throughout the game, you’ll meet some of the cutest (and strangest) beings Gleamhold has to offer, & craft lasting connections as you work with their memories to meet their needs. Fine Work explores non-traditional relationships, the consequences of deep time, and features unconventional (hot) gender-neutral characters.

Fine Work Features

► A replayable, branching visual novel with 7+ endings
► A large cast of characters, including 7 potential love interests
► In-depth world lore and city history
► Robust achievement system that tracks glossary and crafting progress
► Many ways to interact with each character, from intimate to totally platonic
► A beautiful, 3D rhythm game experience with twisting tracks and a 38+ song OST

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