Escort Alia

Simple TPS. Escort your companion, Alia, to destination. It's a 3D version of the classic 2D maze. Alia thinks for herself and responds to enemies and follows the player.

Simple TPS

It's a 3D version of the classic 2D maze.
Alia thinks for herself and responds to enemies and follows the player.
It's perfect for killing time.

Escort Alia to the target point

Alia's AI is handmade.

  • You lose the game when Alia dies.
  • Alia thinks by herself and fights with enemy or follows the player.
  • You can start it in window mode.
  • Levels completed are automatically saved as complete. You can't save during the game.
  • When you get close to the target point, it will be displayed on the indicator.

  • Number of mazes: 6 (Level 7 is a bonus.)
    This game is not suitable for you if you don't like mazes.


Mary: She came to rescue Alia trapped in a dungeon. She is a captive rescue special forces member.
Weapons: Assault rifle. Shotgun. Handgun.
Alia: A princess from some country.
Weapon: Assault rifle.
Enemy: Turrets.A large number of autonomous fighting robots are installed in dungeons.


Walk: W, A, S, D
Run: Shift key
Next Weapon: Q, E, Mouse Wheel
Targeting: Right Click
Reload: R
Roll forward: F
Crouch: C
Jump: Space Key
Turn off the mouse cursor: Right Click
Shoot weapon: Left click
Pause, Back to main menu, Options(Main menu only): ESC
Shortcut Keys
1: Handgun
2: Assault rifle
3: Shotgun

Xbox controller remapped

Character movement: Left stick
Camera movement: Right stick
Run : LB, LS click
Jump: A
Change weapons: Y
Reload: X
Roll forward: B
Crouch: RS click
Aim target: LT
Shoot Weapons: RT


Max: 0,90€


Min: 0,58€