Ecumene Aztec

The Great Tenochtitlan is on fire. Now that the war has broken out, I must choose whether to join our compatriots to repel the invader, or to join the newcomers who want to liberate us from the priests sacrificing our own brothers and children.

The Great Tenochtitlan is on fire.
Like many of us, I do not support what the caste of barbarian priests has been doing to us for years.
Newcomers from the new world decided to put an end to blood sacrifices by allying themselves with the nearby tribes.

Now that the war has broken out, I must choose
whether I will join the compatriots and repel the invader
or the newcomers who want to liberate us from the priests who kill our own brothers and children.

It is the jungle that will allow me to prepare myself.
I know these areas. It is my home. The place where I grew up.
I will use whatever the gods send me.

I wasn't born a warrior, but for a proper sacrifice,
Huītzilōpōchtli - the lord of war, and Quetzalcoatl - the great teacher,
will lead me to become as silent as a serpent, as strong as a jaguar, and as swift as an eagle.