Don't Wake Grandpa

In "Don't Wake Grandpa," survive 5 nights managing threats like Stunna Boy and Jim Jim while preventing Grandpa from waking. Fix the malfunctioning TV, balance limited resources like batteries and bananas, and use quick reflexes to stop enemies from disrupting Grandpa’s sleep.

Game Overview:

In "Don't Wake Grandpa", the player must survive 5 nights in an old house while preventing Grandpa from waking up. The player manages various threats, malfunctions, and creatures that disrupt Grandpa’s sleep. The TV is crucial to keeping Grandpa asleep, but it’s prone to static and breakdowns. Supernatural creatures like Stunna Boy and Jim Jim add more challenges, and the player must manage limited resources like batteries and bananas to survive each night.

Core Gameplay Elements:

Night Survival: The player must survive 5 increasingly difficult nights. With each night, threats become faster and more aggressive.

TV Management: The TV keeps Grandpa asleep but often breaks down, switches to static, or gets stuck on a channel. The player must fix it to prevent Grandpa from waking.

Resource Management: The player needs batteries for their flashlight and bananas to distract Jim Jim, who steals supplies. Balancing these resources is key to survival.

Enemy Threats: Stunna Boy and Jim Jim present different challenges each night, and the player must manage these threats quickly.

Key Characters/Threats:

Stunna Boy:

Behavior: Stunna Boy is a ghostly figure that crawls out of the fireplace and aims to reach the top of the TV. If he makes it to the top, he messes with the TV, causing it to malfunction beyond repair for the night.

Mechanic: The player uses a flashlight to push him back into the fireplace, but the flashlight has limited battery power.

Failure: If Stunna Boy reaches the top of the TV, there’s nothing the player can do to stop the malfunction, increasing the chances of waking Grandpa.

Jim Jim, the Boom Boom Monkey:

Behavior: Jim Jim tries to steal the supply bag containing batteries and bananas.

Mechanic: The player can throw bananas at Jim Jim to temporarily scare him away.

Failure: If Jim Jim successfully takes the bag, the player is left without access to new resources for a period of time, making it harder to fend off other threats.


Behavior: Grandpa is asleep but highly sensitive to noise and disruptions. If the TV malfunctions or has a loud Channel, his wake meter fills.

Mechanic: The player must balance managing the TV, enemies, and keeping the room quiet to prevent Grandpa from waking.

Static Channel: The TV can randomly switch to loud static. The player must change the channel quickly to avoid waking Grandpa.

Channel Overload: Staying on the same channel too long causes a malfunction. Players need to switch channels regularly.

Flashlight Mechanics: The flashlight is used to prevent Stunna Boy from reaching the TV, but it drains battery life with each flash. 

Bag Management:

Bag Resources: The bag may provide batteries, bananas, or nothing, leaving the player with tough decisions about resource management.

Jim Jim’s Interference: Jim Jim periodically tries to steal the bag, forcing the player to react quickly with bananas to prevent him from taking their supplies.


Stunna Boy: The player must shine the flashlight on Stunna Boy to stop him from reaching the top of the TV.

Jim Jim: The player needs bananas on hand to throw at Jim Jim when he sneaks in to take the supply bag.

Game Progression:

Night 1: The player learns the basic mechanics. There are simple TV static issues, and no appearances from Stunna Boy or Jim Jim. This night serves as a tutorial.

Night 2: Stunna Boy appears for the first time. The player must use their flashlight to stop him from reaching the top of the TV.

Night 3: Jim Jim appears for the first time, adding another layer of challenge. Stunna Boy moves faster, making it harder to keep him from messing with the TV.

Night 4: Both Stunna Boy and Jim Jim become more aggressive, appearing more frequently and moving faster.

Night 5 (Final Night): All threats are at their peak intensity. Both Stunna Boy and Jim Jim appear constantly, forcing the player to juggle multiple tasks at once. The TV is prone to frequent malfunctions, and resource management becomes a critical balancing act. Every mechanic is at its most challenging, requiring precise timing and quick reactions.



Max: 4,99€


Min: 4,99€