After everything settled down, Gu Shuo Yue and Banaimian went to the Lost Home. White(Bai) proposed that they embark on a journey to the mysterious underground world. Unable to resist Banaimian's insistence, Gu Shuo Yue reluctantly agreed. However, an unexpected event occurred during their journey. Gu Shuo Yue found herself unexpectedly transported to a strange primeval forest and encountered a powerful enemy who captured her. In the prison cell, Gu Shuo Yue discovered that her cellmate was a girl with tentacles on her head. Thus, the story of the underground world begins...
Unlock a new story, new maps, a new main story, and 2 new playable teammates.
6 hours and more
Trigger Condition: After completing the first playthrough, go to the Lost Home and engage in a conversation with Shiro.
[Gu shuoyue]Combat cv:other
Former gang girl, former off-duty cop, now operating as a free agent.
[Yel]Combat cv:青木阳菜
The Son of God in the city of Water meets the protagonists due to causal communication.
[Lilth]Combat cv:None
The Queen of the Dark City might join her as a companion.
Branch character [Isabel]
He is said to be the son of a certain god. What kind of man is he?