Defend from Candyland! - Halloween Art Pack

**Unleash Halloween Havoc!** Dive into eerie character transformations and a sinister battlefield in the Halloween Haunt DLC Art Pack for Defend from Candyland! Embrace the darkness and become the ultimate defender against malevolent Halloween treats. πŸŽƒπŸ‘»

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This is a DLC for Defend from Candyland!.

Halloween Haunt DLC Art Pack for Defend from Candyland! πŸŽƒπŸ‘»

Prepare for a bewitching transformation in Defend from Candyland with the Halloween Haunt DLC Art Pack! Immerse yourself in an eerie atmosphere as your beloved characters and malevolent adversaries don the haunting visages of their most feared villains and horror icons.

πŸ‘» Eerie Character Transformations:

Behold the Protectors of Eden and the Cursed Confections as they undergo chilling metamorphoses, embodying iconic villains and horror figures. From the Oracle Tree's mystical sorcery to Mrs. Applebee's newfound mystique, each character has embraced the sinister allure.

🎨 Sinister Battlefield:

Step into a realm transfigured by the Halloween spirit, where candy adversaries parade their haunting disguises across the battlefield. Encounter an eerie visual experience that adds a new level of spooktacular challenge.

🎢 Haunting Soundtrack:

Immerse yourself in the eerie atmosphere with a hauntingly beautiful new soundtrack. The chilling music heightens the tension and thrill of battles against malevolent Halloween treats.

πŸ“Έ Gallery Of Chills:

Peek into the eerie transformation process with a gallery of character and enemy images. Witness the stunning juxtaposition of beloved heroes and villains beside their chosen horror personas.

Embrace the darkness, master your tactics, and become the ultimate defender against the relentless sweet invasion!

Dive into the Halloween Haunt DLC Art Pack now and embark on an unforgettable journey of chills, thrills, and strategic mastery! πŸŽƒπŸ•ΈοΈ


Max: 1,99€


Min: 1,99€