Death City is the story of Loy, a protagonist trying to overcome his fate as he repeatedly faces death amidst a world in the grip of a zombie apocalypse. Solve various puzzles, defeat enemies with firearms, and experience multiple endings based on your choices.
Death City is a story about the protagonist, Roy, who repeatedly faces death in a zombie apocalypse world and strives to overcome his fate.
The early gameplay requires players to progress the story while avoiding dangerous entities.
Players will experience various story events.
Once firearms are obtained, players can attack enemies, with a total of three different firearms available during gameplay.
In addition to shooting actions, there are various types of puzzles throughout the gameplay.
Players can make different choices during the game, which will affect the ending.
The game features choices that determine Roy's destiny, with multiple endings based on the truths uncovered and the decisions made along the way.
Max: 3,99€
Min: 1,99€