Death is only the beginning. Crawl from your grave and gear up to fight your way through the ranks of a mysterious and twisted cult. You, your guns, and your dynamite will have to shoot, slide, blast, duck, dodge, and maybe throw a gib or two to survive in this old-school-inspired shooter.

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This is a DLC for CULTIC.
Welcome to the CULTIC demo!

The first thing you'll do... is die.

For you, however, death is only the beginning.

Tuck your guts back in and gear up to fight your way through the ranks of a mysterious and violent cult. Their wretched minds further twisted by the will of an unseen entity, you'll find just as much lead flying back as you send, so you'll have to run, slide, dodge, and make use of your environment to survive in this old-school-inspired shooter.

CULTIC gives you the freedom to approach combat your way. You can run in guns blazing, running, jumping, sliding, and dodging to keep out of harms way. If you prefer a slower approach, you can lay traps, let your enemies come to you, and pick them off from the safety of cover. Maybe you prefer to weave in between your foes, leading their attacks towards each other, and turning them against one another. With a full arsenal of mid-century firearms and explosives, you'll be well equipped to slaughter everything in your path - provided you don't get slaughtered first.

Combat in CULTIC is fast and deadly. Well-placed shots can take your enemies - and yourself - out of the game quickly. Keep on the move or stick to cover, and use your arsenal wisely to stay alive as you fight your way through cult territory.

CULTIC was styled to feel like a throwback to the shooters of yore, but with the advantages of a modern engine, such as physics, lighting, and a fully 3D game world. The gameplay, audio design, and art are all stylized to create a unique experience.