Creatures of the Unknown

Embark on an interstellar quest as a crash-landed colonist. Explore, fight, and train creatures in diverse environments. Interact with survivors, trade, and set up your colony. Unravel mysteries and shape your journey in this turn-based adventure.

Journey Across the planet Unknown

Set in a distant, mysterious planet, you begin as a crash-landed colonist. Your mission involves exploring, fighting, capturing, and training exotic creatures drawn to crystalline formations. Forge bonds with creatures using crystals, vital for enhancing their abilities.

Building Communities

Interact with fellow survivors, each establishing their own facilities. Engage in trade, collect creatures, and sell them on the bustling market. Utilize crystals strategically, either enhancing your creatures or selling them for profit.

Conquer Dynamic Environments in Turn-Based Combat

Navigate dynamic environments with diverse biomes, engage in turn-based combat, and build a team of companions from various creature types. Visit specialized colonist settlements offering crucial services.

Unraveling Mysteries and Establishing Colonies

Embark on quests, aid other colonists, and build trust within the community. Collaborate to unlock new possibilities, shape your journey, and unravel the mysteries of the crystalline planet. As your adventure unfolds, you'll have the opportunity to set up your own colony, marking a pivotal point in your quest for survival and discovery.