The universe was nothing but infinite emptiness before you were born of nothing. You were the God before gods were created. You put the stars in the sky and put time itself in motion. That was not enough. You were lonely, so you decided to create children in your image to keep you company. However, you soon realized that loneliness might not have been so bad after all.Creatio Ex Nihilo: Aition is inspired by Greek mythology and takes you back to the very creation of the universe itself. You will experience an emotional story where each character has unique motivations and personalities, and you will fight battles with both existential and emotional stakes. You will play as the first being in existence. The God that created everything. And it is up to you to make sure that the life you created will not end up destroying themselves and everything you hold dear. The fate of the universe depends on your very actions.
- Strategic Turn-Based Battles with Cosmic Stakes
- Emotional Storyline (Contains over 10,000 words)
- Visual Novel Style Cutscenes
- A Vast Universe to Explore