The craziest driver simulator!

CRAZY DRIVER - is an endless car chasing game where you have to avoid police for as long as possible. The goal is to collect as much cash as you can avoiding your car crashing.


  • variety of vehicles to chose from
  • addicting racing gameplay
  • 7 types of vehicle
  • atmosphere of madness


Max: 0,99€


Min: 0,99€


“CRAZY DRIVER is an arcade racing game with a simple purpose: make highcore (leaderboard) by collecting money and items and avoid the police car that are chasing you... Speed, drift and tight control!”
RECOMMENDED – Play, enjoy, write reviews

“Бодрые инди гоночки, где Вы катаетесь по некому полигону, за Вами гоняются полицейские авто, нужно всячески вилять, сталкивать их лбами, попутно хватая валяющиеся на полу деньги.”
RECOMMENDED – Gaming Grandma