Crapht Box

Crapht Box is a Fantasy Physics Sandbox, inspired by the Fantasy Console genre. It brings a simulated world with a number of disks and tools, and leaves you to play, program, create and share disks.

Crapht Box is a Fantasy Physics Sandbox. You can craft your machineries with a variety of elements; program your own disks; and edit your scene with built-in tools.

Crapht Box offers necessary physics elements for framework of your machine construction, sensors/dynamics for input/output, and chips for circuit logic. Programming skill is not required, but you can use the beginner-friendly Wren or Lua language to write something as you like.


  • Display: scalable from 640x480
  • Audio: 2 music channels, 4 sound effect channels, 1 speech channel
  • Circuit clock: 60Hz
  • Code: Wren, Lua
  • Gamepad: 6 buttons (D-Pad + A/B)
  • Keyboard and mouse: supported


Craft your machineries with physics, chip, sensor and dynamics elements.


Program your own disks.


Edit your scene with built-in tools.


Share your creativity with others.


Max: 4,99€


Min: 4,99€