Codename: Zalidium

Grab your standard issue pistol and join the agents in Codename: Zalidium. Explore the mysteriously deserted town of Turpentine Ridge. Run and gun down vicious goblins as you try and survive. Search for clues to uncover the strange events that led to their existence. Can you uncover the truth?

Grab your standard issue pistol and join the agents in Codename: Zalidium. Explore the mysteriously deserted town of Turpentine Ridge. Run and gun down vicious goblins as you try and survive. Search for clues to uncover the strange events that led to their existence. Can you make it, and uncover the truth?

Join the agents on a low poly, sci-fi, RPG adventure presented in a unique, cartoonish, b-movie horror style. Where each location hides the truth, waiting for you to uncover the story of a town plunged into disaster by a desperate corporation.

A choice of three characters: The main player, and a second human player co-op, or AI to assist you on your mission. The third character is your handler, aiding you with advice and technology as the mission progresses. With three agents on the case there is plenty of potential for witty banter.
Mysterious setting and storyline: Many locations to explore and uncover clues that unravel the strange events that led to Turpentine Ridge being abandoned. Will you find any survivors in the town, or have the goblins got to them first.
Run and gun gameplay: Blast your way through waves of goblins with a variety of weapons (when headquarters authorize their use). As the game progresses different goblins with deadlier attacks are introduced.
Featuring epic music from Nicole Marie T, and slide guitar by Nathan Osborn, the games sole creator and developer.

The van is rolling through the desert. Will you join the agents on this mission? Can you make it out alive? Wishlist Codename: Zalidium on Steam today. Play the alpha demo now.

Music by Nicole Marie T - Starship, Alien Invasion
Music by Nathan Osborn - Incidental Slide, additional slide guitar on Alien Invasion.
Button prompts by Kenney
Bowlby font by Vernon Adams
Godot Post Processing Outlines by Jocamar