At the edge of explored space, your camera will decide the fate of a world.
Cellular Harvest is a shortform first-person photography exploration game. You are an Auditor. An AI embedded in your suit evaluates the value of every being you encounter for the corporate interests that direct humanity's journey into a wider universe.
Track alien creatures. Catalog their existence with your camera. Follow orders. And enjoy an alien planet - while it's still intact.
This package contains both Cellular Harvest GREEN and Cellular Harvest PURPLE as a single game. You can select your edition from the main menu.
“It's good... be prepared for Cellular Harvest to go some places.” PC Gamer
“At times, Cellular Harvest feels like playing Pokemon Snap across Half-Life’s Xen levels – an utterly alien low-poly landscape where, thankfully, none of the creatures are trying to kill you.” RockPaperShotgun