Captain Disaster and The Two Worlds of Riskara Demo

A taster of what the full game will be like, sans voicing and achievements. The demo is designed to gently ease you into the puzzle-solving (nothing too difficult) and give you a taste of the plot, but not reveal anything of the far-reaching mysteries you will encounter in the full game.

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This is a DLC for Captain Disaster and The Two Worlds of Riskara.
Being used to a ridiculous procession of life-threatening situations and finding himself at a loose end, Captain Disaster is bored. Soon enough a situation arises where he will need to answer a distress call again, and he gets to do a good deed in addition to alleviating his boredom. But is it true that no good deed goes unpunished? Where the Captain goes, Disaster follows...

This demo features Act I of the full game. The demo contains no voice acting or achievements, but the full game will feature these.