Capital Dilemma Demo

Embark on a capitalist journey as the CEO of a corporation. Navigate the intricate web of corporate dilemmas, from ethical choices to financial strategies, and increase your corporation's stock price.

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This is a DLC for Capital Dilemma.
Welcome to the high-stakes world of corporate leadership in Capitalist Dilemma. As the CEO of a corporation, you'll navigate a series of dilemmas, each with the power to shape the fate of your business. With profits, customer relations, board relations, and your own mental state hanging in the balance, every click of the mouse becomes a strategic move in the game of corporate survival.

📈 Strategic Decision-Making:
  • Manage the delicate balance between profits, customer relations, board relations, and your mental state with simple mouse clicks. Each card presents a unique dilemma, and your decisions will shape the destiny of your corporation.

🌐 Endless CEO Rotation:
  • Success is not guaranteed, and the board will evaluate your performance annually. Fail to maintain the delicate equilibrium, and you risk being replaced by another CEO.

📊 Stock Price Evaluation:
  • Your corporation's stock price is your ultimate metric for success. Strategic decision-making, managing dilemmas effectively, and maintaining the balance of variables impact your stock price.