A pre-alpha demo of the game, allowing you unlimited creation of your own Bulwark. This demo serves to share progress and gain feedback from the community so do chime in!
This first public outing for the game allows you to try out the freebuild mode and the tutorial for the game. Both modes are provided without limitations. You can build and expand as far as you want, both in freemode and after finishing the tutorial. Even more there is more to find after the tutorial that allows you to expand!.
It is important to note that this is a pre-alpha demo, which means it is by no means content complete or even contains all the mechanics intended for the game. The building itself is fairly complete but is missing large amounts of content to do with all the different factions.
Mechanics wise for the final game I'm developing gameplay where you meet other settlements out on the ursee that can be friendly or hostile,(based on how you designed your Bulwark and which captains/commanders you assign). You can ally with these settlements or conquer them, keep them as parts of your sprawling empire or take em apart for their valuable unique assets. All of these mechanics are still under development and thus missing from this demo.
There are placeholder random events though and captains will sail up to your harbours to offer their services, with some events ending in hostilities as a prelude to the final content.
The goal of this demo is as much to share the game and see what people create, as it is to get feedback on gameplay, enjoyment, bugs etc etc. Really get the conversation going. An early dive into the game intended to make the final product that much better from your feedback, so do join in !