Blitz Roads

Blitz Roads is a virtual 'Tron-like' world where you take part in immense arcade racing battles against other opponents.

Blitz Roads is an Arcade Styled action-packed vehicle combat racing world. Compete in numerous racing tracks with 3 different ways to play.

The objective is to complete each lap in all areas in the quickest time against 9 other opponents. Each racer has the opportunity to prevent the opposing racer from reaching the finish first by using various power-ups, such as: Speed boost, Front shield, Laser cannon, and more! Play all 50+ Areas in 3 differennt race modes (Normal, Timed, & Elimination)

  • Includes 50+ main adventure levels.
  • Replay the main levels in 3 different ways
  • Screen Resolution Support up to 8K on supported monitors
  • Advanced and numerous graphics settings for users to adjust to their preference

  • Normal Race - Default styled 4-Lap racing
  • Timed Race - Racing under a time limit (3 Minutes)
  • Elimination Race - Finish last per lap, you're eliminated