Beat Slayer Demo

Put on your headphones, feel the beat, step into the flow and survive. Beat Slayer is all about rhythm and fighting. Pick a crazy weapon like the flamethrowing axe and turn hordes of robots into scrap metal by creating your own symphony of destruction.

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This is a DLC for Beat Slayer.

Beat Slayer is a roguelite hack n’ slay game like no other. Instead of just being in the background the music takes centre stage.
Join Mia, a badass music lover and crafty tinkerer, as she battles hordes of robots in a dystopian 90s inspired Berlin. There’s only one rule:

Fast music – fast battles

Every move you make has to match the rhythm of the soundtrack. Fail to do so and you’ll pay the price. No button mashing, no frantic inputs. Only smooth and skillful gameplay will lead to your victory against the waves of different enemies and imposing bosses

Show them your dance moves
• Leverage Mia’s nimble move set and decide within seconds which of your moves you should use. Dash to engage or disengage? Attack to build up your drive bar or spread your status effects? Kick your enemies against walls or into each other for crowd control? The choice is yours!

Your playstyle – your dance floor
• Each run plays differently and is influenced by our playstyle and your thrill for risks, but also by your starting weapon, your chosen upgrades and your growing skill set.

• Berlin Attitude
Your trusty band of unlikely rebels is there to support you on your journey. They offer help through weapons, drinks or insights into how everything became the way it is now. Fight in the hidden corners of Berlin, a city that has been taken over by robots and corrupted by evil forces. You’ll battle your way through various locations, from underground clubs to abandoned factories, each with its own vibe, challenges and tunes.

Feel the flow
• As you sync with the beat and dive more and more into the action you can achieve the “flow state”, in which you don’t think and just play. Let the music guide you and play round, after round, after round.
