Barbara: Sex Story

Barbara: Sex Story is an adult visual novel that unveils not only the mysterious world of fashion and beauty but also an unpredictable realm of erotica and sensuality.

Barbara: Sex Story is an adult visual novel that unveils not only the mysterious world of fashion and beauty but also an unpredictable realm of erotica and sensuality.

Taking us into the captivating realm of glamour and secrets within the vast villa of the renowned "Pink Star" Fashion House, the story unfolds behind the beautiful walls located near the main residence—an actual inferno of excitement, the runway where the social elite assembles for a day of showcasing new couture collections.

On the main day of the event, the master of ceremonies and owner of the villa, Edward Gold, gathers all the models, couturiers, tailors, leaving them for several days in the luxurious Pink Star Villa for preparation leading up to the most crucial fashion show of the year.

However, everything suddenly changes. Three days before the show, Edward Gold is murdered, and one of the models discovers his lifeless body. The mysterious and enigmatic world of the fashion industry transforms into a whirlwind of deceit and secrets, initiating a detective game.

Six models, two couturiers, strive to accomplish the impossible in completing the preparations for the show. Interior designers and waitstaff coordinate efforts, creating a unique ambiance. The butler, aiming to maintain order and cater to the models' whims, adds to the complexity.

The ticking clock adds to the tension, and the murder of Edward Gold unveils dark secrets concealed behind the luxurious walls of the Pink Star Villa. Players have the chance to feel part of this world of sophistication and subtle danger, solving puzzles and discovering the truth in this refined and mysterious adult novel.

  • A Multitude of Sexy Situations
  • A fascinating story
  • Plenty of lewd scenes with various girls
  • Real-time 3D character and animations
  • Ability to play with one hand. ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)