Avorion - Soundtrack

This is the soundtrack to Avorion, written by Harnes Kretzer and Per Kiilstofte.

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This is a DLC for Avorion.
This is the official Soundtrack of Avorion in OGG format, containing 22 tracks of over 143 minutes total of ambient and electronic music. It contains all the great ambient music that makes Avorion the stunning and relaxing experience that it is.

Thanks to our amazing Composers Harnes Kretzer and Per Kiilstofte, who have outdone themselves composing the music for Avorion! If you want to support the game and the artists who made the music, you should definitely consider getting the soundtrack. By buying the soundtrack you're also supporting the musicians behind these great musical compositions.


Max: 7,99€


Min: 7,99€