Astro Wars

Astro Wars is a Free Multiplayer Space Strategy Game. You start at the edge of the galaxy where you can build up, colonize and take over planets in competition with players from all over the world!

Astro Wars is a Free Multiplayer Space Strategy Game. You start at the edge of the galaxy where you can build up, colonize and take over planets in competition with players from all over the world!

You can decide various strategies and take over new areas in the galaxy by building piece by piece.

Astrowars wants to achieve:
fair play.
communication between players.
social interaction between players.
epic battles in the end.
a game requiring strategic and diplomatic skills to win.
easy to learn and interesting in the long run.

Astrowars does not want to achieve:
multis and cheaters.
no communication.
a big single player game where the only interaction is to compare points.
all about the first player/alliance to win.
a game where a single player with perfect build up skills can win with no contacts.
difficult to learn and becomes boring.