30 Birds Demo

"3 birds long" demo of "30 Birds". Explore the flying Lanterns with Zig to find them.

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This is a DLC for 30 Birds.
This alpha demo of "30 Birds" let you discover the world of "30 Birds".
It's "3 birds long", so pretty short: around half an hour.
It's not representative of what the complete game will be since there is still so much to do, but it gives an idea of the spirit.

The demo has a few important shortcomings, including:
- phone doesn't work in mini-game scenes. Use [X] key to quit (it takes you back to the title screen)
- no control / video / sound options. The game supports only 16:9 and 16:10 ratios
- no save and load but you can use the chapters menu on the title screen