ZLAN Tournament Update

Disc Jam

A fast-paced action-sports game that pits 2-4 players against each other in a frantic combination of air hockey and tennis. Players scramble to retrieve and throw a glowing disc while unleashing devastating abilities and defending their end zone.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/11756575/ebc4863fabccb6f73c90bd858d6842dbd21151ee.gif[/img] Hey everyone! We've got a few fixes and balance tweaks going live today alongside some special content to celebrate the massive [url=https://zerator.com/#/zlan2019]ZLAN tournament[/url] taking place this weekend. Patch notes below! [list] [*][b]NEW[/b]:: Added new content for the upcoming Z LAN tournament. Sign in May 11-12 to permanently unlock the Z LAN disc, tag, and emblems! [*][b]TWEAKED[/b]:: Added a tiny bit of time to everyone's lobs except Kahuna's and Gator's. [*][b]TWEAKED[/b]:: Made Kahuna's lob slightly more effective. [*][b]TWEAKED[/b]:: Adjusted Kahuna's slide so he can early out a bit quicker. [*][b]TWEAKED[/b]:: Increased Kahuna's acceleration slightly so he can get to his top run speed faster. [*][b]TWEAKED[/b]:: Slowed Gator's lob so he is no longer the 3rd best lobber which was disproportionately strong given his other talents. [*][b]TWEAKED[/b]:: Decreased Gator's recovery time slightly. It is still the fastest but more in line with the other characters. [*][b]TWEAKED[/b]:: Adjusted Haruka's slide so she can early out a bit quicker. [*][b]FIXED[/b]:: Catching the disc while getting up from a slide no longer gives you additional time to throw with perfect timing. [*][b]FIXED[/b]:: Haruka's fireball taunt now works correctly in-game.