Cinematic real-time strategy game where you change the fate of the galaxy. No two matches play the same, thanks to nearly limitless combinations of factions, mercenary units, and heroes. Play with friends in cooperative or versus modes, and compete against other players in 2v2.
2023 is almost over, Commanders! We've got a lot of news to share.
We couldn't pass up the chance to be at [url=]DreamHack Atlanta[/url] - an event near and dear to the RTS community's heart. Come play ZeroSpace before anyone else at our booth, and watch pros battle it out for the first time.
[list][*] Play ZeroSpace!
[*] Mercenary Faction Showcase
[*] Pro Showmatches
[*] Chat with the Developers[/list]
Use code ZEROSPACE for 20% off tickets:
[h2]EARLY ALPHA[/h2]
(December 18-24 & January 5-15)
Join us for the ZeroSpace early alpha! We’ll be kicking things off with an initial testing period just after DreamHack. We’re also excited to announce that after a short holiday break we’ll have our first ever ZeroSpace live event in January!
The December segment will include matchmaking, vs A.I., custom games with friends, & 2v2!
For Backers at the Stellar Warlord level or higher, watch your emails for a Steam key soon!
[h3]New Year's Event[/h3]
The Live Event in January will launch with additional features such as:
[list][*] Leaderboards
[*] Achievements
[*] Daily goals[/list]
You’ll be able to gain points and earn prizes! You’re also invited to live stream and share your experience playing the game throughout the January event!
[h3]Early Alpha Tournament![/h3]
To top it all off, we’ll be commemorating the event with an Official ZeroSpace Early Alpha Tournament! The tournament will have open sign-ups with priority given based on MMR. Stay tuned as we’ll have more details about the event and the tournament as we get closer!
If you or your friends are interested in joining the alpha testing experience and missed the original Kickstarter campaign, [url=]you can still support us on BackerKit[/url] and gain access to Early Alpha!
Otherwise, wishlist us here on Steam to be notified of ZeroSpace's release!
This is still a work in progress, but we're too excited not to share!
We’ve been hard at work refining our Multiplayer experience! Here’s just a few exciting items we’ve been working on:
[h3]Attack Based Energy System:[/h3]
This is an alternative to traditional energy systems where you gain energy passively, instead, you’ll gain energy by attacking. While this isn’t a final feature, our initial testing has gone well and we’re excited about the possibilities it brings us (such as balancing abilities via attack speed and range). This lets us have powerful abilities that don’t feel imbalanced, as the difficulty involved in unlocking them serves as a balancing factor.
We’ve been busy testing out 2v2s, figuring out map elements that suit the game mode, potential win conditions, and how different faction abilities work with each other.
One of the main challenges we’ve faced is readability, so we’re attempting to address this by adding team colors and changing minimap icons.
[h3]Refining Grell:[/h3]
While we’re feeling good with the Grell overall, there’s a few units we’re looking into re-designing. The main unit we’re looking at is the Skrelling. Previously, the Skrelling was a simple air unit that fired projectiles for small damage.
Currently, we’re testing several iterations of the Skrelling, one of which being the Skrelling Swarm. This is a costlier, fast swarm with iterations being tested to go between air and land depending on its target. This would make the Skrelling better specialized in combat against small numbers of units, making it great to pick-off reinforcements. Although very exciting, we would like some additional time to flesh this build out, and it may not be ready during the Alpha playtesting.
Our art team has been doing some amazing work! Since you’ve last seen, they’ve worked on everything from animations, adding details to the characters, sets for the campaign, to the jungle tileset you’ve seen above.
[h2]THANK YOU![/h2]
We greatly appreciate all of the support we have received from the community so far, and we are so excited to continue showing you our work!
Please help spread the word about ZeroSpace to your friends, and don’t forget to Wishlist Us On Steam & [url=]Join Our Discord[/url]!
-The Starlance Team