Zak McKracken And The Alien Mindbenders: The LucasArts game you don't want to play any more | Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders | Gamehypes

Zak McKracken And The Alien Mindbenders: The LucasArts game you don't want to play any more

Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders

Space Aliens have built a stupidity machine that's slowly reducing everyone's IQ to single digits. Worse yet, the only person who can stop them is Zak McKracken, reporter for the disreputable National Inquisitor, who dreams up stories about carnivorous cantaloupes and vegetarian vampires.

I remember really loving Zak McKracken And The Alien Mindbenders. Richard Cobbett, frequently of this parish, always tells me that I am stupid and wrong and it was a terrible game. So I finally decided to prove him wrong.
