Short story spin-off to Yumeutsutsu Re:Master, and introduction to the world of Yumeutsutsu. The members of Eureka Soft come together to solve a problem that could endanger the whole world: Ai Ohtori's personality is too weak. To fix that, she will need to... become an idol?!?
The spin out of Yumeutsutsu Re:master, Yumeutsutsu Re:Idol - How Ai Otori's personality is too weak is now released on Steam.
Try out this great as a short introduction to the world of Yumeutsutsu!
In the outskirts of the Imperial City Tokyo, in a small town where the good habits of old still endure, the indie studio Eureka Soft has its discreet office.
Eureka is now facing it's worst challenge! The story protagonist Ai Otori's personality is too weak.
To resolve this problem that endangers the world (?!) Ai Ohtori stands on the stage, on the beach, aiming to become a top Idol!
Now on sale for $0.99 until May 22nd.
Warning: The game only supports Japanese.